Daily Archives: May 3, 2013

We Need Your Help

Help our Youth Department by taking just a few minutes to fill out these three quick forms! Thank you for your support.

1) Youth High Holiday Registration!

We ask that you please register your children for our High Holiday services in advance – so that we can plan programming and staff accordingly over the summer.

The High Holidays are very early on the secular calendar this year, so register today!

2) A Youth Programming Survey!

This new survey will provide valuable feedback for our Youth Department. We need your input to make Chaverim, Atid, Kadima and USY the best they can be. Answer a few short questions for us! Thank you.

3) List your birthday, anniversary or Yahrzeit, or take out an ad, in our Youth Calendar!

Find the form in this week’s home mailing, pick one up in the front office or anytime you’re at Beth Shalom, or email Carolyn at youthdirector@bethshalompgh.org for your form.

And make sure you…

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USY DBC Trivia

USY Death by Chocolate 2013